
Proposed Change to Article 4.1

Following discussions with our legal representatives , they have informed us the they feel the intended meaning of Article 4.1 was that it was only to be used within an official voting structure. The Article states:

The members may, by a minimum of 10 votes, direct the directors to take, or refrain from taking, specified action.

No such votes invalidates anything which the directors have already done.

Following this clarification the board will continue to adhere to this article within an official voting structure.

We do feel that the wording is not as clear as it could be , this is also the case with other articles within our articles of association and a discussion should take place to clarify some of the clauses and update them to reflect modern business practices and rules.

The proposed vote at Sundays AGM is now unnecessary and will not take place.

Yours sincerely

Richard Liles





The AGM will be held on 13th October at Pontefract Racecourse.

Full details should have arrived to you now in the post, please get in touch if they haven't.

Updated 19/09/2024


It is with great sadness, we announce Grahame Liles passed away on 4th September.

R.I.P Grahame

Graham Liles

The funeral of Grahame Liles will take place on Tuesday 24th September 2024

Holy Trinity Church Rothwell, LS26 0QL at 11-45 am

Following the service there will be a reception at Carlton Cricket Club where family and friends can remember Grahame.

Updated 09/09/2024

thirsk logo

Thirsk 7th September - Ladies' Day

There will not be a marquee in the centre for Ladies’ Day this year.



Kempton/Sandown BLC Notes 2024



Carlisle BLC Notes 2024



Happy 90th Birthday Geoff

Geoff Hindle has just celebrated his 90th Birthday which also coincides with the 50th anniversary of him starting as an on course bookmaker in 1974.


Wishing you all the best from everyone at the BRBA.



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York BLC Notes 2024



The BRBA and UCORB continue to meet regularly and a recent meeting in London representatives from both associations discussed how this could develop further.

After full and frank discussions on a few unresolved issues there is now a meeting of minds.

It is recognised that the best way of representing all bookmakers on matters where we have a mutual interest would be achieved if we can reach a position of "one voice". The two associations have agreed to continue to meet regularly so that we have a complete view from all bookmakers on matters of joint benefit.

Given the dwindling number of on course bookmakers and the many increasing number of issues and threats to our businesses, more than ever we need to be united if we are to maintain a viable industry.



It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Nick Daisley ( t.a David Patrick). Nick passed away after a short illness with his loving wife and immediate family by his side.
Nick worked most of his life in the industry, having betting shops, and in more recent times, at racecourses and dog tracks.
He had a warm and generous personality and a great sense of humour, he will be sadly missed by family, friends and colleagues old and new.


Donations can be made in Nick’s name to St. Michael’s Hospice Harrogate.

Updated 23/08/2024


Epsom Downs Logo

BLC Notes Epsom 2024


 Royal Windsor

Royal Windsor 2024 BLC Notes

Updated 15/04/2024


Chester BLC 2024 Notes



Newmarket BLC 2024 Notes


Ayr 2024 BLC Notes

Musselburgh 2024 BLC Notes


Doncaster BLC Notes 05/03/2024.

Notes from IRM meeting 22nd February 2024.
BLC Notes from Newbury 2024
BLC Notes from Cheltenham Festival 2024
Updated 04/03/2024

Point to Point Discussion

At its most recent meeting the BRBA Board discussed the current system by which P-to-P pitches (picks) are traded between bookmakers and it was decided that the benefits of introducing a more transparent and streamlined transfer system should be explored. The introduction of a process for buying and selling pitches on the open market, using a system similar to the one by which bookmaker racecourse pitches (picks) are traded, was discussed and it was agreed that the issue be put to open debate. On that basis we invite interested parties to submit their thoughts and suggestions on how they would like to see the system for the administration and trading in P-to-P pitches (picks) reformed. The Board recognises that any change would have to be underpinned and governed by rules and regulation that would be suitable to both bookmakers and P-to-P Committees/Authorities. 

Please submit your thoughts/suggestions/comments by email in the first instance to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Members please note. By close of business on Monday 22nd January 2024 over 160 of our members had renewed their BRBA membership for the current year (January 1st to 31st December 2024).

In December 2023 we posted a message on our website stipulating that any member who had not renewed their membership with the Association by Monday 22nd January 2024 would be deemed to have left the Association and their names would be deleted from our membership register. However, the BRBA Board has now agreed to revise the closing date by which membership renewals will be accepted. We encourage the few members who have not yet renewed to act quickly, our membership list to those wishing to renew their membership now remains open until close of business on Monday 26th February 2024. We do of course welcome new members to the Association at any time during the year.


Message Worcester Bookmakers

I’m pleased to confirm that the works to the new Weighing Room are progressing accordingly to plan and the facility will be ready for use from the first fixture of this season, despite the weather.

As part of the peripheral works the tarmac in front of the grandstand will be re-laid and new anchor points for Tattersalls bookmakers will be installed.

Along with that, the majority of the old Rails will be removed (almost all Rails positions have been redundant following the closure of the separate Members Enclosure some years ago).

The Bookmaker Number for both Tattersalls & Rails were set many years ago and accordingly have been reviewed, not least because we don’t want to go to the expense of installing excess anchor points.

Proposed New Bookmaker Numbers:

Tattersalls – 35 (from 39), arranged in the existing three lines – front 12 (from 10); middle 14 (unchanged); back 9 (from 14). The highest number of bookmakers in attendance over the last several years is 31.

Rails 3 (from 6), sited at right angle to the grandstand, along the existing side rail, facing away from the Parade Ring. Since the closure of the Members Enclosure, the usual number of Rails bookmakers in attendance is 1, along with another on a few occasions.

Centre Course – 24 (unchanged).

Representations are requested from bookmakers via email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Friday 26 January.

The Bookmaker Numbers will be announced during February.

Michael Thomas
General Manager
Worcester Racecourse.

Message to Cheltenham Bookmakers

Thank you to all those bookmakers who responded to the recent consultation regarding the layout and Bookmaker Number in the Tattersalls betting area at Cheltenham Racecourse. The Jockey Club appreciates that the below outcome will be disappointing for some, but this decision has not been reached lightly. Following the feedback, this change is hoped to give an enhanced feel to the Tattersalls ring to both Bookmakers and to customers. Other ideas for improvement to the area are being developed for the future.

The Outcome
  • All the comments and feedback have been carefully considered and the below decision has been made.
  • There will be a revision to both the betting position layout and Bookmaker Numbers, which upon completion of works, will be set at 57. The number 57 is deemed most appropriate based on the space available, and the number of betting positions used since the 2016/2017 season.
  • Following the consultation and after reviewing all the feedback, a decision has been made to bring the front row of positions slightly nearer to the Grandstand than was originally shown in the consultation plan, and as a result we have been able to achieve an increase to the 53 positions that was initially proposed.
  • The betting positions will be set out over three rows:
  1. Row 1 will have 26 betting positions.
  2. Row 2 will have 20 betting positions.
  3. Row 3 will have 11 betting positions.
  • These amendments still enable the original objectives to be achieved and make the enclosure more open and free-flowing for our customers.
  • The tarmac in the betting area will be renewed and new anchor points installed.
  • The intention is that the work on this area will commence directly after the New Year’s Day meeting and will be completed in time for use at Festival Trials Day.

The BRBA is fully committed to operating as an entity, separate to that of any other Association, for the foreseeable future. The Association has substantial funds in the form of property and liquid funds (cash in the bank), membership renewals for the year commencing 1 January 2024 are strong. To protect the interests of members the BRBA Directors propose the rules for winding up the Association be amended. Article 32 within the Articles of Association currently states:

Article 32 - Winding up – ‘In the event that the Association is wound up the assets remaining after payment of the debts and liabilities of the Association and the cost of liquidation shall be divided equally amongst those persons who were members of the Association, and had not waived their rights, at the commencement of such winding up’.

The BRBA Directors propose that anyone joining the BRBA on or after 1 January 2024 will have to hold membership for a minimum period of five years, from the date their membership becomes effective, before they are entitled to a share in the net proceeds of winding up.

The rule change could be brought about by anyone joining the Association, whose membership becomes effective on or after 1 January 2024, being required to waive their rights to a share in the proceeds of winding up, in accordance with the five year rule. Alternatively the rule change could be introduced via an amendment to the Articles of Association (Article 32). The Board intend to take legal advice on this matter to establish which is the best course of action.

Current members should note that anyone leaving the Association at the end of the current year (31 December 2023) will need to reapply for membership if they then wish to rejoin the Association at a later date and will be treated as a new member on rejoining i.e. their membership will commence from the date at which they rejoin the Association, they will then be subject to the five year rule outlined above.

Any current member of the Association who has not paid their membership subscription fees for the year commencing 1 January 2024, by close of business on Monday 22nd January 2024, will be deemed to have left the Association and their names will be deleted from our membership register.
*****Attention Members*****

British Racecourse Bookmakers' Association (BRBA) - Message to Members

Many of you will no doubt be aware of the recent formation of a new bookmaker association, the United Council of Racecourse Bookmakers (UCORB). However, the BRBA Board wishes to inform members that the BRBA intends to continue to operate as a separate entity. We assure members of our resolve that our Association will continue to support them and their interests, just as it has done for the past 100 years.

Several BRBA Board members plan to meet, in the near future, with UCORB representatives where we (BRBA) hope to explore the opportunity of working with UCORB to present a ‘one-voice’ approach in negotiations with third-party organisations (racecourses and regulatory/disciplinary bodies) concerning matters of common interest.

The BRBA directors would like to express their gratitude to members for their continuing support of the Association in its centennial year.

The BRBA Board

Message for Bookmakers at JCR Courses

Please note that Daily Betting Badges are not transferrable. Each DBB is valid only for the List Position to which it relates.

Should multiple betting positions be held by a bookmaker and under consideration for use on a particular raceday, a DBB must be purchased online in advance (or via the telephone Contact Centre) of Pitching In.

Unused DBBs etc. will be swiftly refunded back onto the payment card upon email application by the bookmaker to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

As per an earlier message DBBs cannot be purchased at the racecourse on the day.


Members please note that following the recent publication of the Government’s White Paper resulting from its review of the Gambling Act, the BRBA was one of a number of organisations who petitioned the Government regarding its plans to introduce what was feared would be draconian betting affordability/financial risk checks. The Government has now published its response to the petition, please see below:

Government response

We are committed to a proportionate, frictionless system of financial risk checks, to protect those at risk of harm without over regulating. The Gambling Commission will set out plans in due course.

The government and Gambling Commission recognise concerns some have with the proposed system of financial risk checks for the highest spending online customers to help identify and tackle gambling related harm. We share the goals that the checks should not overregulate the gambling sector, should not unduly disrupt the millions of people who gamble without suffering harm, and should not cause unnecessary damage to sectors which rely on betting, in particular horseracing. The government is a strong supporter of horseracing, and recognises that it is not the job of either the government or the Gambling Commission to tell people how to spend their money. As outlined in the gambling white paper we are seeking to balance this freedom with the necessary action to tackle the devastating consequences which harmful gambling can have for individuals and communities.

Importantly, the proposals will represent a significant improvement for both businesses and customers compared to the current situation. While the Gambling Commission does not currently have specific requirements or thresholds, we know that operators are applying inconsistent ‘affordability’ checks on a number of customers, often without being clear on why the checks are happening, and normally requiring customers to provide data manually. We have challenged operators to be more transparent with customers in the interim, but the proposed system will be a significant improvement in having clear and proportionate rules which all operators are held to, and allowing for financial data to be shared seamlessly with operators instead of burdening customers with information requests. Both the government and the Gambling Commission have been clear that we would not mandate the checks proposed in the consultation until we are sure that they will be frictionless for the vast majority of customers who would be checked.

This careful targeting of interventions has been a guiding principle during the development of the proposed financial risk checks. We are seeking to protect those at the greatest risk of devastating and life-changing financial losses, and there is a clear need for specific requirements on online operators to prevent substantial unchecked spend. We recognise that this needs to be proportionate, which is why the proposed checks are only on the very highest spending online customers, conducted frictionlessly using data sharing, and do not come with blanket rules for operator interventions if there are no signs of harm. We estimate that the financial risk assessment using data from credit reference agencies will only impact those in the highest 3% of gambling losses. These factors significantly limit the risk of customers migrating to the black market as very few will have their experience in the licensed sector disrupted, either by the checks themselves or as a result of their findings. The financial risk checks are also intended to operate alongside existing requirements on operators to use a range of data to identify customers at risk of harm and decide whether or how to intervene.

The Gambling Commission’s consultation, which ran from 26 July to 18 October, received over 2,400 responses, many of which focused on financial risk checks. Those responses, and this petition, show the benefit of engaging the public ahead of implementing proposals. The regulator and government are working to ensure all views are considered as the proposals are finalised.

Finally, this petition raises the important link between betting and horseracing. The government recognises the enormous value of horseracing as both a spectator sport and through its economic contribution. The white paper’s estimate was that financial risk checks will reduce online horserace betting yield by 6% to 11%, which would in turn reduce racing’s income by £8.4 to £14.9 million per year (0.5% to 1% of its total income) through a reduction in levy, media rights and sponsorship returns. We are working with racing and refining that estimate. We have also commenced a review of the Horserace Betting Levy to ensure a suitable return to the sport for the future.

The government and Gambling Commission are working with the industry and others to ensure the checks can be implemented in an effective but proportionate way. We are also exploring the role of pilots or phased implementation to help ensure this. The Gambling Commission will set out details on its plans in due course.

Department for Culture, Media and Sport
Attention Members*****


Members please note that Chris Hudson has resigned from the post of President of the BRBA.

Under the rules of the BRBA constitution Chris is unable to serve as a Director of UCORB (the proposed new trade association) and also serve as a Board member of BRBA. Therefore, in order to take up a place on the Board of UCORB, where he will represent BRBA members, Chris was required to relinquish his position as President of BRBA.

Those who continue to serve on the BRBA Board wish to thank Chris, both on behalf of the Board and BRBA members, for all the hard work he has done on our behalf over a number of years. We are confident that Chris will continue to represent ALL BRBA members on the Board of UCORB with the same level of dedication he has shown over the last ten years in his role as BRBA President.

In April 2023, following its review of the 2005 Gambling Act, the Government set out a package of measures to strengthen the protections in place to make gambling safer. These measures include the intention to introduce a compulsory levy (Statutory Levy) requiring those who operate in the gambling sector to fund research, prevention and treatment (RPT) of gambling-related harm. It is intended that the Statutory Levy scheme be introduced in 2006/2007
A consultation process is to be conducted by the Department of Culture Media and Sport DSCMS) relating to the structure, distribution and governance of the Statutory Levy scheme and the BRBA have been invited to take part in the consultation process.
The DCMS have provided an outline of their plans and have invited feedback. To avoid speculation, rumour and the usual scaremongering we have contacted .the DCMS and requested that they confirm what we consider to be the most important question our members are likely to ask – ‘What’s it going to cost me?’
We are able to report that each on-course bookmaker will be required to make a levy contribution based on a percentage of their gross gambling yield (gross profit). The percentage rate for on-course bookmakers has been set at 0.1% of GGY. However, the levy will only be payable on any gross profit in excess of £500,000 pa.
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GC have today published the outcome of our February 2023 consultation on three proposed amendments to our Licence Conditions and Codes of Practice (LCCP) requirements on gambling businesses for multi-operator self-exclusion, notification of deaths by suicide and a technical update relating to payment services - Follow this link.
Following careful consideration of all of the responses to the consultation proposals, we have decided to proceed with all three proposed LCCP changes.  A summary of the changes is as follows:

  • We have decided to extend the requirement to participate in the GAMSTOP multi-operator self-exclusion scheme to all gambling businesses that make and accept bets by telephone and email. This updated requirement will come into force on 1 April 2024. And specifically noting that The requirement will not apply to telephone and email betting facilities provided to gambling businesses for the purposes of hedging commercial liabilities.
  • We have decided to add a requirement for all gambling businesses to inform us when they become aware that a person who has gambled with them has died by suicide. This new requirement will come into force on 1 April 2024.
·        We have decided to update the existing condition on payment methods and services to reflect the current legislative provisions and ensure that the condition is suitably future proofed against any further simple legislative changes. This updated requirement will come into force on 31 January 2024.
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*****Attention Members*****
BHA fixture List

Given members concerns on how the proposed 2024 fixture list may affect members it was decided to write to Richard Wayman at the BHA expressing our concerns which are detailed in the attached letter and invited him to our AGM on 1st October 2023.

Richard has kindly accepted the invitation to attend and if you have any questions that you would like to raise please could you forward them to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.06/09/2023
*****Attention Members***** 

Following the BRBA'S policy of transparency and inclusion, members are invited to follow this link... to read the Association's submission to the review of the Horserace Betting Levy earlier this month.
RMG Logo
*****Attention Members*****

BRBA members should soon receive the RMG Q1 2023 data payments paid directly into their bank accounts, for the final time and without any deductions for salaries and expenses being taken.

We cannot speak for those members who followed other advice as the less informed associations were not involved in these final negotiations.

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The BRBA is happy to announce a partnership with Cashplus Bank.

This allows the BRBA to pass members’ details (upon request) to Cashplus Bank directly, in order to progress an application, for a business account, for your on-course business.

Please send your name, email address and telephone number to
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and someone will be in touch as soon as possible.

DCMS Logogc logo grey

BRBA response to the Consultation of changes to LCCP Social Responsibility Code 3.5.5...

(Login required)

BHA Logo

Due to the concerns raised by members over recent items in the Press regarding the 2024 fixture proposals, please see the letter to and the reply from Richard Wayman C.E.O at the BHA.

Letter to...



Gambling Act Review: White Paper...
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Wetherby Flat Racing Supplement

Wetherby Bookmakers are reminded that the “Flat Racing Supplement”, which is effectively a lower rate marketing fee to cover flat racing at Wetherby, will be in operation again this season and that, in the same way as the NH Marketing Fee was, this will need paying for before a bookmaker will be able to pay for their bookmakers badge for any of the flat racedays they might wish to attend at Wetherby.

The Flat Racing Supplement Fee will be £30 for Rails / Tatts and £15 for the Course Enclosure and can be paid for via the
following this link...


Members may be aware of a recent article published in the Racing Post suggesting that large-staking punters are returning to the betting ring. The is to some extent due to the two-tier SP system created by the exclusion of on-course bookmaker SP data from the ‘new’ Industry based SP system, which is resulting in better value being generally available on-course than off-course, and the belief by punters that they are able to ‘get-on’ with sizeable sums in cash or card on-course – something they feel they are less able to do off-course.

Whilst the return to the betting ring of punters who ‘like a bet’ is most welcome we feel the need to remind members that in accordance with the terms and conditions of their Operating Licenses they must be able to demonstrate that they have robust and up-to-date anti-money laundering polices and procedures in place.


Notes of the Meeting of the RBC Technical Sub Committee Held at Chester Racecourse on the 28thFebruary.
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Gambling Commission Consultation

The Trade Associations have been invited to make a submission, to the consultation which we will be doing and should anyone wish to add to it please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Follow this link...

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*****Attention Members*****

Group Public Liability Policy

A copy of the Group Public Liability Policy, arranged by BRBA on behalf of its members can be viewed via this link... (Login required) 

*****Attention Members***** 

All members should have received the following letter... (login required to view, check junk/spam folders in your emails)

If this is applicable to you, could you please return the form directly to our Broker.


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